Students who live in temporary housing due to economic hardship or a similar hardship have additional education rights under the McKinney-Vento Act (MVA). The MVA ensures that children and youth are provided a free, appropriate public education, despite lack of a fixed place of residence. Youth who are not living with a parent or legal guardian, including runaways, may also qualify for these services.
Students in Foster Care qualify for the same services as McKinney-Vento students; however they sometimes require official paperwork from their Department of Human Services caseworker – especially for transportation beyond school district boundaries. If you are a foster family, student, or caseworker please reach out to further discuss your needs.
We’re here to help:
Examples of Temporary Housing:
- Temporarily staying with friends or family
- Living in a camper, RV or car
- Unhoused
- Living in a motel or shelter
- Couch surfing
- Staying in a structure not designed for long-term residency, like a tent
Community Resources
Dispute Process
McKinney-Vento Act
What Are Your Rights Under The MVA?
1. Staying in school of origin for duration of homelessness or through the end of the school year.
2. Immediate enrollment in the neighborhood school where they are currently staying, even if lacking proof of residency, guardian signature, immunizations, or other relevant documents.
3. Assistance with transportation to school.
4. Free breakfast and lunch.
5. Full participation in all education programs for which they are otherwise eligible.
How Can Mapleton Schools Help You?
1. Enrollment assistance
2. Transportation assistance to school of origin
3. School supplies
4. Help obtaining basic needs, such as personal care items, clothing, food, and medical care
5. Referrals to local resources and programs
6. A McKinney Vento Liaison to help coordinate services to families and promote contact between family and school
7. Assistance with a dispute resolution process
8. Support in post-graduation planning and guidance
What Do You Have To Do
1. Regular school attendance
2. Maintain contact with school personnel to ensure optimal progress, especially phone numbers and changes to mailing and physical address